21 Sep 2020 2 mins read Cool Rooms

Cool rooms throughout Sydney have kept businesses running, providing proper storage for food in grocery stores and other items. However, the most beneficial cool rooms are those that are custom designed.
In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of designing and installing a custom cool room — something a generic design could not compare.
You may be thinking, ‘Why should I get a custom cool room when a generic one will do?’
Well, like many things, having a specific and tailored piece of equipment can help you reach a new level that was previously inaccessible.
When you have a cool room that is specifically designed for the space you need, products you serve or settings you require can be achieved efficiently.
A commercial fridge that’s designed and built to accommodate your needs eliminates a lot of waste. It also minimises the need for constant repairs or maintenance.
Additionally, a cool room tailored specifically to your requirements will save you both money and energy. You can even add custom elements such as plastic panels, thicker walls or glass shelves which can help reduce energy loss.
With a custom system, you can tailor the airflow to allow for shelving that would otherwise be hindered by generic systems.
Having vents placed in inconvenient locations forces you to stack and store items in the fridge based on those placements. This setup often costs you space and efficiency.
It’s always a better option to design a cool room that is specific for the shelving and floor placement you need, making the organisation of items an easier task for you. In the long run, this can be invaluable.
A custom cool room or freezer can be immensely more convenient than a generic design. You can choose to have multiple door access, glass panels, shelving, lighting, wall thickness and more.
By choosing the specifications you desire, you can have a convenient cool room at your disposal. The little or big accessories you choose to employ can make assessing, rotating and placing or removing stocks so much easier.
You won’t go back to anything else once you have a cool room designed for you!
A Customised Look
Perhaps the most obvious benefit is that custom cool rooms or commercial fridges in Sydney look better than any regular cool room. They are designed to fit your preferences and needs rather than a clunky addition.
This includes better space, colours, logo, metals and finishing that look like they are a part of the building, rather than a clunky addition.
If you are thinking about installing a cool room, then look no further than JD Refrigeration! We have the best technicians who can assess your cooling needs and get you a system that is perfect for your business.
Contact us for more information and get your very own custom-designed cool room started today!